7 thoughts on “.

    • Today, Saturday 13th. April 2013 , I re read my abandoned Blog. It was a pity that readers didn’t respond to it and we could have developed strategies to counteract the attacks on the vulnerable that I predicted. Our biggist problem is not that the vulnerable are being devastated, and the higher earners are being very well looked after and being protected from feeling the effects of the recession, no, the problem is the apathy of the general public.

      • “It was a pity that readers didn’t respond to it” …. “the problem is the apathy of the general public.”

        You ran for election in 2009 and they rejected you. I’m glad they made the right decision.

      • I wonder why Mr. Fitzgerald went to the trouble of making this comment. Its an opinion but at this point in time, why express it?

      • Your blog came up in a search and I remembered you ran in 2009. You don’t seem to have much time for the general public?

        Why don’t you run for election again?

  1. Mr Fitsgerald hasn’t done his research very well. If he did he would found that indeed I had a lot of time for the general public. Does he know of the 40 years that I spent teaching in the Naas Vocational serving he general public. That I set up the Naas Summer Project. that I was its Chairman for most of the 15 years that it was in existence— serving the general public at minimal cost to the participants and all run on a voluntary basis. That I was the person, while Hon Secretary of Naas Comunity Council I instigated the setting up of the Naas Information service and one of its first volunteers. It has gone from strength to strength since serving the general public. That as Hon. Secretary of Naas Tidy Towns Committee in the 80 s I was instrumental through word and example in galvanisig the general public in actively working to improving the environment to such an extent that Naas was awarded the prize for Best Large Town in Ireland, 4 years in a row. That was never achived before or since.
    That while a member of Naas Urban Council I admit that I never got on with Fianna Fail or Fine Gael. I suspect tat Mr Fitzgerald is a member or strong supporter of one of these parties.
    My voluntary work, using my hobbies of running Marathons to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis and Walking the Camino of St James raising funds Cancer Research for St. James’s Hospital or being honoured by the European Peace Walk by being appointed I the Iish Ambassador for the peace walk which I will walk starting 28th. July the Centenery of the commencement of WW1, a distance of 550 km. will of course be discounted by Mr. Fitzgerald. He asks why I don’t run for election again. The simple answer is that I’m too old at 73 years of age. I leave it to younger people with more energy than I have.
    Finally I don’t want to read anymore political diatribe from Mr Fitzgerald. It is badly researched and untrue. Any further rubbish from you will be marked as spam and trashed.
    So don’t bother to respond.

  2. (SP = Summer Project)

    Over the years I’d had the notion of thanking Donal for the fond memories I have from my days on the Summer Project. Indeed I had the opportunity to do so when I saw Donal in a local bookshop a few months back, but felt a bit awkward because other people were there, so let the chance slip by. However the thought of thanking him for his efforts didn’t go away, hence my finding this website.

    Alas, it’s quite a shame to see him invidiously insulted on his own blog by Mr Fitzgerald. While not wishing to dignify such unwarranted abuse, on witnessing this folderol I felt obliged to address it, if only to make clear how nonsensical it truly is.

    “You don’t seem to have much time for the general public? “

    Quite apart from the poor grammar (a question mark after a statement), Mr. Fitzgerald’s ignorance here speaks for itself. I’ve had no dealings with Donal from Summer Project days till now and have lived away from Naas for many years, yet seem to be more aware of work Donal has done in the community than the snide poster above. Of my time on the Summer Project as a twelve year old I can say that I’ve nothing but good memories of the man. Sure, he had to curtail us whipper-snappers on occasion, but that’s par for the course with kids. Fact is, he and his team gave of themselves and their time to help youngsters in the locality on a consistent basis. Perhaps you might consider getting your facts right before such a cheap shot at someone again, Mr. Fitzgerald. It says more about you.

    If you doubt that the veracity of my high regard for the Naas Summer Project is shared, you’ll find that I’m far from unique in this opinion, otherwise why would there be a Naas Summer Project page on Facebook, replete with people reminiscing with each other of those days?

    Back then there wasn’t much going on for kids of that age in the Summer, especially for those from households of modest means such as my own. My mother (a widow at the time) was glad that there was somewhere for me to enjoy long summer days with kids of similar age, in a safe environment. Surely setting up and helping run such an endeavour qualifies as ‘having time for the general public’, Mr. Fitzgerald, don’t you think? I was on the Project just the once, a few weeks, yet the good times I experienced on it have stayed with me. Indeed, I regard it as a formative part of my growing up, priceless. Think of how many others in the locality whose lives it has enriched likewise. Then maybe consider apologising to Donal for your mean-spirited and ill-informed trite posts.

    Donal, I know I’m echoing the views of many in the town when I say thank you for all the work you put into the Project over the years. For a young kid like myself it was great to be on. The games, road trips, camping, discos, fancy dress etc was a blast! And my thanks to all the leaders as well, I’ve fond memories of them also, including a crush on one in particular! It was great for the town, and you were great for getting it going here. It’s people like you who inspire others to give something back to their community, to help out in some way.

    Maith an fear!

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